Sponsored Content
Ethical Note
Sponsored content will always be marked as such. I will never promote a product that I don’t believe helps folks do their job better. If there are open source or free alternatives to paid/sponsored content, I will do my best to call them out as options. That way engineers can choose whether to invest in a new (often paid) product vs sticking with open source (free as in speech and beer) options.
Readers trust in me is important, and if you feel I’ve fallen short please let me know!
About Me
I reach around 5k follows across various channels, including this site, Medium, LinkedIn, and YouTube. These followers are often engineers who are empowered to choose the best tools for the job, and often have a vote in which large-scale enterprise technology is implemented at their businesses.
I’m a huge fan of CI/CD stuff and developer tools. I’m in the expert range in GitHub, automation, networking, some parts of DevOps, and some parts of cryptography, as well as a smattering of other topics I find fascinating in the technology space.
My style is heavily focused on demos and real use cases for operational engineers to take tools and run with them. Engineers love it, and can make the case for managers to buy the products. I’m also a very strong proponent of empathetic, human-driven processes and tools. If there are tools which help save time, and which are easy for engineers to operate, particularly if they have a freemium style model where engineers can get their hands dirty and play with them, I’d love to speak out enthusiastically for the product.
Sponsored Content Options
Short/summary written article - $500
~1k words
Syndication okay
Includes promotion on LinkedIn, Medium, LetsDoDevOps.com
Example: https://www.letsdodevops.com/p/lets-do-devops-azure-dynamic-scopes
Long deep written article - $2k
~3k words
If code-driven, would publish code samples/small project on github
Syndication okay
Includes promotion on LinkedIn, Medium, LetsDoDevOps.com
Example: https://www.letsdodevops.com/p/lets-do-devops-inventory-dependency
Video interview with your staff member - $3k
~30m final recording
Assistance framing topic, selecting content, and crafting compelling narrative
Syndication okay
Includes promotion on LinkedIn, Medium, LetsDoDevOps.com
Example (audio only, but this tier would include video recording on Zoom): https://packetpushers.net/podcasts/day-two-devops/d2do251-ai-for-the-rest-of-us-new-conference-alert/
Other - Please ask
I’m open to other collaborations! Please contact me and we can discuss.
Hope that helps and aligns with what you’re looking for! Suggestions welcome.
You can reach me at kyler@14ers[.]net